Contact Hunter Dickens

North Texas Leasing Agent

Hunter is an East Texas resident, raised in Emory, TX and resides in Palestine ,TX. No other name fits him better than his own. He was hunting with his family as soon as he could walk as the family bird dog on dove hunts. Once big enough to shoulder the power of the iconic Red Rider, the woods and critters were no longer safe. It was never a question as to what held Hunter’s heart after taking his first whitetail deer with a .357 lever action at the age of 6 performing a toothless “grip and grin”. Since then he has pushed himself and his beautiful wife’s nerves to hunt whenever and wherever a season is open.

Hunter travels all over the United States chasing anything anywhere a tag is available. He has hunted alongside The Element on YouTube and in the past with Jackie Bushman on Buckmasters. Hunter honed his skills on these out of state public land hunts and understands how a property sets up and what it takes to be successful. He is part of multiple Texas hunting leases because he knows the fun times and memories at deer camp are priceless. He understands both sides of the operation since he has been a lessor and a lessee with his personal properties. The past 10 years of his life have been a devotion of his life to the great outdoors and wildlife. Working for and with wildlife agencies has truly been the perfect fit for Hunter’s life.

If you have any Texas land for lease or are considering leasing call Hunter at 903-474-1131. He is looking forward to talking and helping landowners and hunters.

  Email Hunter Dickens