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Wisconsin Hunting Leases

Wisconsin ranks in the top three states for both Boone and Crocket and Pope and Young record book entries, making Wisconsin hunting leases a valuable investment for any deer hunter. It also has 6 of the top counties in the nation for entries including the number 1 county - Buffalo. Buffalo County was one of the birthplaces of Quality Deer Management in the nation and with its success there, QDM signs can now be seen posted on properties in every county throughout the State.

Recent changes in the methods used to calculate deer populations and harvest goals set by the State Department of Natural Resources will also help to improve the population and size of the deer calling Wisconsin home. With a diverse habitat and thriving agricultural industry, these big bodied northern whitetails have everything they need to grow giant. Wisconsin will continue to be one of the premier whitetail hunting destinations in North America.

With the successful reintroduction of turkeys over 25 years ago, hunters are able to enjoy even more time in the woods each year. With having both a spring and fall season and the ability to purchase leftover tags over the counter, the popularity and success of turkey hunting are at an all-time high.

For out of state hunters, Wisconsin sells deer and leftover turkey tags over the counter so you can be guaranteed to hunt your land lease every year. At $160 for an archery or gun deer license, it is also one of the cheapest nonresident tags of any state. The archery tag is good for both the early and late seasons and your unfilled gun tag can also be used for the muzzleloader season.

Wisconsin is a beautiful state with abundant wildlife and opportunities for hunters. You will find the residents to be friendly and have a long tradition of being good stewards to the wildlife and the environment in which they live. Check out the numerous Wisconsin hunting leases Base Camp Leasing has to offer over the state!  


Wisconsin DNR

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