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Louisiana offers hunters a wide range of opportunities ranging from deer and turkeys to waterfowl and doves.

The state has a whitetail deer population estimated at more than a half-million animals and deer hunting is popular. Louisiana’s unique terrain offers challenges to deer hunters but also high probability of success in areas with good habitat. There are several season types distributed across 10 hunting areas, each of which has seasons that may differ from others. With nearly 200,000 deer hunters in the state, public hunting land is highly pressured. Highest success rates are in bottomland along the Mississippi River and in hardwood forests. Consider a lease through Base Camp Leasing to increase your chances of success.

The turkey population in Louisiana bottomed out right after World War II when the state’s turkey population was estimated to be less than 1,400 birds. Outstanding conservation practices and management programs have caused a rebound that put today’s turkey population at about 60,000 birds according to NWTF. Those are pretty evenly distributed across the state.

The swamps, bayous and coastal marshes of Louisiana offer waterfowl haven from harsh winters in the north and the state provides excellent opportunities for duck hunters. Louisiana is divided into three waterfowl zones; east, west and coastal. Each offers unique habitat, scenery and waterfowl hunting experiences.

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