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Oklahoma Hunting Leases

Oklahoma hunting leases offer tremendous value in an outdoor experience. Abundant game populations, diverse habitat, a rural landscape, friendly folks, and a leisurely pace combine to produce a memorable outdoor experience. Get in on what the locals have been trying to keep a secret!

Oklahoma offers archery, muzzleloader, and rifle deer seasons, which extend from October 1- January 15, and include special youth hunting opportunities. In addition to our whitetail infestation, Oklahoma's Eastern and Rio Grande turkey populations can only be described as excessive! We are one of the few states that still have widespread wild bobwhite quail hunting. As a bonus, many hunting leases have feral hogs which have no season or limit. Dove, waterfowl, squirrel, rabbit, and furbearers are hunted most places, with pheasant, elk, mule deer or pronghorn found on some leases. Oklahoma's latest hunting regulation information is available at www.wildlifedepartment.com

Oklahoma habitat varies from the high plains prairies of the Panhandle to the oak-pine forest of the southeast. Whatever your preferred hunting terrain, Oklahoma has it (okay, there ain't any tundra). Metroplex hunters will find that an Oklahoma hunting lease is of higher value and probably much closer to them than most Texas hunting leases.

Contact Base Camp Leasing to find your ideal Oklahoma hunting lease!


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