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Pennsylvania Hunting Leases

Pennsylvania is renowned for its hunting tradition and large deer herd. It is also renowned for having over one million licensed hunters. This can make finding an uncrowded, quality hunting experience difficult. Let Base Camp Leasing help you find that Pennsylvania hunting lease that offers that private paradise you are looking for.

Pennsylvania has a great diversity of habitats, from agricultural areas to big open woods to rugged mountains to broken, rolling patches of woods to suburban woodlots. Pennsylvania has just about every type of terrain that you would want to hunt. It also offers excellent populations of every kind of game found in the eastern United States. Goose and turkey populations are at record highs, small game (rabbits, pheasants, grouse and squirrels) are also very abundant and the deer management has undergone some dramatic and exciting changes in the last several years. A Pennsylvania hunting lease could be your ticket to accessing these populations and hunting opportunities. 


Pennsylvania Game Commission

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