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Tennessee Hunting Leases 

Tennessee has become one of the best all-around hunting destinations in the Eastern US, making hunting leases in Tennessee very popular. With such a diverse habitat all varieties of game thrive. From elk and black bear to quail and grouse…Tennessee has it all! Tennessee's whitetail deer population is over 1 million strong. With a harvest of around 200,000 deer each year, everyone has an opportunity for success. Tennessee also has a 2 buck limit. Over the counter tags are also a plus. No waiting to see if you were drawn!

Tennessee hunting leases also offer great turkey hunting opportunities. With 40,000 turkeys harvested a year shows the turkey population is thriving! The rabbit hunting is even better with a rabbit hunter averaging around 3 rabbits a trip! Tennessee hunting leases also happen to offer great waterfowl hunting. Tennessee ranks 7th in the nation in waterfowl harvest. A Tennessee hunting lease is not just a deer lease, it's a hunting lease with several other benefits offering hunting opportunities all year long!


Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency

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